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  • Secretariat | GoGMI

    Discover Our Secretariat Portfolio: Elevating Experiences with the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute At the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute, we take pride in curating exceptional events that leave a lasting impact. Explore our diverse portfolio, showcasing our expertise as a premier provider of secretariat services. Each event reflects our commitment to excellence, innovation, and seamless execution. Explore Our Services: Elevate Your Event Experience Whether you're planning an innovation centre, a blue economy innovation symposium, or a bespoke stakeholder event, the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute is your trusted partner. Our secretariat services ensure seamless execution, allowing you to focus on what matters most - the success of your event. ​ Contact Us to discuss your upcoming event and learn more about our comprehensive secretariat services. ​ Thank you for considering GoGMI for your event management needs. We look forward to collaborating with you on your next memorable experience! Contact Us Now Green Maritime Africa Coalition Theme: Advancing Net-Zero Emissions and Maritime Resilience in Africa through Continental Collaboration Overview: GoGMI collaborates with the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency to host the Green Maritime Africa Coalition (GMAC). GMAC's mission is a shared continental initiative aimed at leading the global energy transition. By 2030, GMAC intends to provide zero-emission fuels for the maritime industry and implement them in both international and domestic shipping throughout Africa. ​ During the launch in November 2023, hosted by GoGMI, 37 stakeholders from the shipping industry, including the private sector, ship and port operators, fuel operators, and charterers, joined forces to advance the mission. The primary objective is to amplify Africa's collective voice in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction efforts. GMAC aims to foster awareness, create opportunities, and implement concrete near and long-term actions for the continent. ​ The coalition places a strategic focus on maritime policy, capacity building, technology, financing, and skill development. The overarching goal is to collaborate with host governments and regional institutions, strengthening maritime policies, streamlining processes, and aligning with Africa's priorities for sustainable development and economic growth. This multi-faceted approach reflects GMAC's commitment to driving impactful change in the maritime sector across the continent. ​ Key Highlights : Thought-provoking insights from industry leaders, experts, and influencers. Stakeholders had the chance to connect with peers, forge new partnerships, and expand their professional networks. Stakeholders Meetings Gulf of Guinea Maritime Coallaboration Forum - Shared Awareness and Deconfliction (GoG-MCF SHADE) Overview: The Gulf of Guinea Maritime Collaboration Forum - Shared Awareness and Deconfliction (GoG-MCF SHADE), was a dynamic forum designed and implemented by GoGMI in collaboration with the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) as a viable platform for regional and international navies, maritime industry partners and relevant stakeholders from across the GoG and beyond to harmonise counter-piracy efforts and communication in the GoG region, under the existing information sharing architecture provided by both the Yaounde Code of Conduct and the Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance Maritime Security off the Coast of West Africa (BMP-WA) ​ Key Highlights: Dynamic discussions on counter-piracy efforts and communication Working group discussions on industry disruptions and collaboration. Networking opportunities among stakeholders. Networking opportunities among stakeholders. Strategic Partners Meetings Virtual Expert Level Discussion Group Meeting on the Study of the Implementation of the Yaoundé Code of Conduct Architecture 2021. Theme: The Role of Strategic Communications in Support of the Implementation of the Yaoundé Code of Conduct Architecture; Combined Law Enforcement Cooperation with International Partners and Effective Participation with Industry; and Sustainability of the Yaoundé Code of Conduct (YCoC) Architecture. Overview: The Virtual Expert Level Discussion Group Meeting on the Study of the Implementation of the Yaoundé Code of Conduct Architecture 2021 was a convergence of maritime security experts committed to addressing vital aspects of the full implementation of the Architecture and make viable recommendations to the Heads of States of the YCoC member states. ‘‘Full implementation’’ in the context of the discussion referred to the ability for the Yaoundé Code of Conduct to be self-supported and maintained to continually achieve its primary purpose of fostering cooperation among signatory countries to combat crime in the Gulf of Guinea maritime domain. The discussions were guided by the Interregional Coordination Centre(ICC), and supported by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Maritime security experts participated in insightful discussions, interactive workshops, and formed strategic partnerships to drive positive cooperation. ​ Key Highlights : 28 influential maritime security experts Interactive workshops for collaborative problem-solving. Formation of strategic partnerships for advancing synergies in the Gulf of Guinea maritime domain

  • Imswg Reports | Gulf Of Guinea Maritime Institute | Greater Accra Region

    GoGMI IMSWG 會議報告 在加納發展藍色經濟;前景與挑戰 2019 年 3 月 27 日 下載完整報告 GoGMI IMSWG 會議報告 在加納發展藍色經濟;前景與挑戰 2019 年 3 月 27 日 下載完整報告 GoGMI IMSWG 會議報告 發展藍色事業 推動幾內亞灣海洋經濟戰略發展 2021 年 2 月 25 日 本次會議旨在為區域和國家利益相關者提供一個平台,以確定和討論促進非洲海運業新技能和藍色職業發展的綜合戰略和具體行動。 下載報告 GoGMI IMSWG 會議報告 加納海洋部門的性別主流化 2020 年 11 月 27 日 下載報告 GoGMI IMSWG 會議報告 在加納實現可持續發展目標 14 的海洋空間規劃 2020 年 8 月 28 日 下載報告 GoGMI IMSWG 會議報告 區域和國家海事戰略 2020 年 7 月 10 日 下載報告 GoGMI IMSWG 會議報告 海洋塑料垃圾,危害海洋健康和藍色經濟 2019 年 5 月 7 日 下載完整報告 GoGMI IMSWG 會議報告 在加納發展藍色經濟;前景與挑戰 2019 年 3 月 27 日 由幾內亞灣海事研究所 (GoGMI) 在科菲國際維和中心的支持下領導的各種政府機構和機構專家代表以及海運業利益相關者之間合作努力的產物。 下載完整報告

  • More About Us | GoGMI

    關於我們 我們的願景是成為幾內亞灣地區戰略性海事事務的領先研究和倡導機構。 ​ 我們的定位是為活動涉及幾內亞灣地區海域的政府、組織、法人團體和個人提供知識基礎,以確保對海洋的可持續利用。 ​ 我們將通過研究和宣傳影響該地區的戰略性海事問題來做到這一點,以影響影響該地區海洋環境的政策和活動。在開展業務時,我們將堅持獨立、準確和公平的價值觀。 我們的方法 GoGMI 背後的驅動力是在戰略海事研究、教育、媒體和諮詢服務方面取得的卓越成就。 GoGMI 是一個開創性的跨學科組織,旨在為所有人提供知識,使用各種媒介克服傳統障礙。作為一家非營利性研究組織,GoGMI 的商業模式獨一無二,因為它依靠其虛擬社區來產生產生研究和教育解決方案所需的收入。 該模型是一個自我延續的循環,可確保研究所的獨立性和響應 GoG 地區需求的能力。來自研究所內部的貢獻者及其專家網絡創建內容,然後通過各種渠道傳播,包括定期出版物、書籍、研討會、會議和互聯網,並提供給對海洋領域研究感興趣的社區該地區的。 我們的範圍 航運和海事安全

  • International Maritime Security Working group | Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute

    International Maritime Security Working group: Image International Maritime Security Working group: Programs IMSWG 隸屬於幾內亞灣海事研究所,由海事專家和 從業人員組成的工作組 跨越行業、學術界、國家、地區和國際機構和組織。 這是幾內亞灣國際海事利益相關者的平台,旨在創建一個分享海事問題想法的網絡。 STREAM MEETING DOWNLOAD CONCEPT NOTE 國際海事安全工作組 IMSWG Download Concept Note Here IMSWG 隸屬於幾內亞灣海事研究所,由海事專家和 從業人員組成的工作組 跨越行業、學術界、國家、地區和國際機構和組織。 這是幾內亞灣國際海事利益相關者的平台,旨在創建一個分享海事問題想法的網絡。 Registration Link: Download Full Report Apply Here International Maritime Security Working group: Files IMSWG 報告 免費下載 發展加納的藍色經濟: 前景與挑戰 首次會議報告 本報告是各政府機構代表通力合作的產物 和機構專家,以及由幾內亞灣領導的海運業的利益相關者 海事研究所 (GoGMI) 在科菲國際維和中心的支持下。 下載 海洋塑料垃圾,危害海洋健康和藍色經濟 第二次會議報告 本報告是環境保護署代表、英國大使館區域環境辦公室和機構專家以及由幾內亞灣海事研究所領導的海運業利益相關者共同努力的產物 下載 區域和國家海事戰略:前景和挑戰 ​ 於 2020 年 7 月 10 日舉行了第一次 GoGMI-IMSWG 在線虛擬會議,旨在討論區域和國家戰略在治理和管理幾內亞灣海域方面的前景和挑戰。會議主要內容已彙編成報告。 Meeting Video 下載 查看所有報告

  • Plans & Pricing | GoGMI

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  • Maritime Security Interventions Audit | GoGMI

    MARITIME SECURITY INTERVENTIONS AUDIT Background and Rationale It is clear that maritime security debates over the past few decades have centered on the Gulf of Guinea (GoG) – a region considered the most dangerous for seafarers – and the unique conundrum it presents to maritime security cooperation. The Gulf of Guinea is crucial, not only because it is geographically cardinal to maritime trade but also because its strategic significance is largely interwoven with the interests of a large number of actors. The implications of this are as extensive and multifaceted. For instance, while it does imply a multiplicity of interests in enhancing the region’s maritime security, it equally infers the exposure of the region to a more complex set of maritime security threats, as well as a more complex set of responses to these threats. The Gulf is therefore characterised by an intricate nexus of threats and governance challenges that have resulted in varied responses from different levels of actors. From the composite Yaoundé Architecture to the multi-actor G7++ Friends of the Gulf of Guinea, these interventions have emerged in response to the peculiar nature of maritime security challenges faced by the region and are likely to evolve as the dynamics of those challenges change over time. The implications of this proliferation of interventions are two-fold. First, it deepens the need for partnerships and collaborations across a broad range of stakeholders. Second, it heightens elements of informality and experimentation in governance approaches towards attaining shared goals within the region. Whether such an evolution will be beneficial to advancing the multiplex of interests in the region, however, is dependent on a contextual analysis of how their discourses and practices have shaped the maritime security architecture of the region and how various actors deal with the complexities of the region’s maritime security environment. It is also dependent on a credible assessment of how efforts in the region aimed at addressing maritime security concerns can be more effectively coordinated and harnessed towards the attainment of shared interests. A study that incorporates these dynamics could create a much clearer understanding of the suitability of existing frameworks for enhancing maritime security in the region. Areas of Exploration This study seeks to contribute to the limited research on the complexity of maritime security interventions in the Gulf of Guinea, with the ultimate intent of illuminating viable pathways for harmonising collective efforts towards enhancing shared goals. The research questions are categorised under three thematic areas as indicated below: Existing maritime security initiatives/frameworks in the region: What are the range of existing maritime security initiatives in the region and what is their disposition, especially in terms of threat focus? How successful or otherwise have these interventions been in curbing incidents of maritime crime in the region? ​ ​ Evolution of maritime security initiatives/ frameworks in the region: What are the primary reasons for varying maritime security initiatives in the Gulf of Guinea? What has been the evolutionary trajectory of the range of initiatives in the region? How did complexities evolve over time? How have the discourses and practices of actors shaped approaches to maritime security in the region over time? Actor relations and responses What are the power relationships imbued within the cluster of interventions in the region? How are the resulting complexities navigated by state and non-state actors with varying interests in the region? How have the discourse and practices of various actors shaped the maritime security architecture of the region? Are there existing mechanisms to reduce complexities or facilitate coordination amongst existing initiatives, interventions or frameworks? What are the prospects for harmonising the convoluted mix of efforts in the region towards the ultimate end of enhancing maritime security? Phases of the Audit The fundamental aim of this study is to map the range of maritime security initiatives and interventions in the Gulf of Guinea, assess the complexities these have posed to maritime security governance, examine the responses of actors to these complexities and determine whether or not efforts have been successful and can be ultimately harmonised towards enhancing the region’s maritime security. To achieve this, the audit will be conducted along four different phases, depicted in the figure below. Figure 1: Phases of the Audit Major Outputs The Audit has been structured by the Institute to result in a number of notable outputs, each of which will result in substantial contributions to advancing maritime security governance in the Gulf of Guinea and beyond. These are enumerated below: Brief Analytical Papers of Major Interventions Prior to publication of the detailed study report, brief analytical papers on selected maritime security interventions will be disseminated by the Institute as separate publications. Each paper will provide a brief historical backdrop to the intervention in question, explore its scope, examine whether or not the intervention is achieving its primary objectives and investigate practicable pathways to strengthening the ability of these interventions to attain their ultimate goals. ​ 2. Policy Briefs Useful policy actions intended to be included in the detailed report will be shared as quarterly policy briefs for the duration of the Audit. The quarterly briefs will provide direct policy recommendations for addressing gaps within the region’s maritime security architecture. ​ 3. Detailed Report The primary output of the study will be a detailed report of findings, conclusions and recommendations titled The Gulf Complex: An Audit of the Range of Maritime Security Interventions in the Gulf of Guinea. The structured report will serve as a useful reference document for all stakeholders interested in gaining a complete picture of the full range of maritime security interventions in the Gulf of Guinea. Corroborated by infographics and diagrammatic representations, the report will provide a clear picture of cross-linkages between interventions in the region, as well as an analysis of the successes and failures chalked by these interventions. ​ 4. Dissemination Workshop Following the publication of the detailed report, the Institute will conduct a regional workshop to disseminate the findings of the study across a broad range of stakeholders in the region. The workshop will particularly be aimed at enhancing high-level dialogue between policy makers across the region and key actors playing a role in the execution of the myriad of initiatives in the Gulf of Guinea, on pathways to coordinating efforts towards shared regional interests and objectives. ​ 5. Journal Edition: The Gulf Spectrum The Institute began processes towards publication of the first edition of the Gulf Spectrum, a flagship journal intended to provide stakeholders across the Gulf of Guinea and beyond with unique, local perspectives on critical issues surrounding maritime governance, safety and security in the Gulf of Guinea. The first edition of the journal will be published under the theme, Maritime Security Interventions in the Gulf of Guinea and will provide a pathway to collating research and regional voices on the MSIA along three thematic areas: Evolution of maritime security initiatives in the Gulf of Guinea The range of existing initiatives in the region Actor relations and responses The Call for Papers was publicised in the month of September. Afterwards, the Institute, along with the Editorial constituted for the journal, selected eleven abstracts and informed the authors accordingly. The Atlantic Centre has indicated its commitment to provide editorial support for the first edition of the Gulf Spectrum and to contribute towards the organisation of the planned MSIA Conference, where authors will be given the opportunity to present their papers. ​ Audit Outcomes & Impacts The Audit is a crucial first step to demystifying complexities resulting from the convoluted mix of maritime security interventions in the Gulf of Guinea. It is intended to yield an array of short-term outcomes and long-term impacts, as illustrated below. Figure 2: Outcomes & Impacts Methodology The research is expected to be conducted using a mix of methods, ranging from open and explorative qualitative and quantitative approaches , through desktop reviews, interviews, focus-group discussions and stakeholder surveys. Each of these approaches will be segmented according to the various phases of the research as per the figure below. Figure 3: Data Sources Data gathered from each of these sources will undergo rigorous analysis and verification processes such as cross referencing, before being included in the final report. Again, all stakeholders approached for expert interviews, focus group discussions or to participate in stakeholder surveys with be notable actors, stakeholders or implementers within requisite maritime security interventions across the region to ensure that feedback is both credible and relevant. The report will include relevant charts, figures and infographics necessary to adequately convey information gathered. ​ Some of the documents to be reviewed are listed below in the execution of the Audit are listed below: Figure 4: Inexhaustive List of Documentary Sources Research Report: Great Power Competition in the Atlantic GoGMI was confirmed as a key partner with the Atlantic Centre in co-authoring a report on great power competition in the Atlantic. The report aims to address the consequences of non-Atlantic powers present in the Atlantic as its core object of study, in order to best depict the current predicaments the region faces in the short and middle run. ​ GoGMI’s chapter in the report highlights the nature of great power competition within the context of the Gulf of Guinea, as well as how such competition ultimately influences maritime security outcomes in the region.

  • Finance & Adminsitrative Support | GoGMI

    JOB DESCRIPTION Job Title: Finance and Administrative Officer (Entry Level) Department: Finance and Administration Reports To: Business Development Manager Job Purpose: To assist in the provision finance and administrative support to the Institute. Working closely with the Business Development Manager, you will play a key role in the financial and administrative operations of the Institute and its projects. The Finance and Administrative Assistant will assist in the financial administration, including the management of the accounts of the Institute’s operations, the financial information required for various funding returns, the day to day financial management, as well as undertaking general admin tasks under the guidance of the Business Development Manager. Key Accountabilities: Creation and update of all relevant administrative records including personnel, financial and logistical databases; Management of official phone calls and correspondence; Support of all budgeting, accounting and other bookkeeping procedures; Tracking of stock of office supplies and making adequate preparations to renew stock when necessary; Preparation of timely administrative reports and presentations as required for effective operations within the office. Qualifications & Experience Minimum HND in Finance and Accounting combined with 2+ years of work experience in an office environment; Accounting/book-keeping (experience with computerized accountancy systems would be ideal); Data recording and monitoring – preferably experience with electronic data recording systems; Administrative support experience. Skills Excellent communication skills – both verbal and written Proficiency in working with Microsoft packages, including Outlook, Word and Excel. Accuracy in reporting detailed financial information Ability to work as part of a team, as well as on own initiative Ability to communicate effectively with colleagues and professionals alike Ability to work under pressure, plan and prioritise own workload, manage competing tasks and meet deadlines. An understanding of, and commitment to, equal opportunities Ability to maintain effective office systems Ability to travel locally as required. ​ Deadline for Application: CLOSED!!! Terms of Employment: 6 Months initial contract with the opportunity for permanent employment based on performance. ​ Applications must include a cover letter , resume , desired salary and contact information for three professional references . ​ To apply, send your resume and cover letter to

  • Programs | Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute

    我們的計劃 Advo INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SECURITY WORKING GROUP ​ IMSWG, housed by the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute, constitutes a working group of maritime experts and practitioners that spans across industries, academia, national, regional & international institutions and organizations. View More GOG MCF/SHADE FORUM ​ ​ On 26th April 2021 the ICC Yaoundé and Nigeria announced the formation of an International Framework to provide shared awareness and deconfliction for activities in the Gulf of Guinea. This online meeting hosted by the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute is by invitation of the SHADE Co-Chairs from the the ICC and the Nigerian Navy. View More INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE The inaugural International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEC) hosted by Ghana’s Armed Forces in Accra built upon the endeavours of Africa’s Armed Forces to enhance combined capabilities to counter the continent’s leading security challenges. View More UN OCEAN CONFERENCE 2022 VIRTUAL SIDE EVENT The Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute (GoGMI), in partnership with Development of Technical Capacity of African Nations (DOTCAN) and Masser Afrique organized the workshop “Ocean Advocacy: From Ordinary to Extraordinary” as a side event of the 2022 UN Ocean Conference. View More NATIONAL INTEGRATED MARITIME STRATEGY ​ The NIMS project which is under the Security Governance Initiative (SGI) and funded by the US and Ghana governments seeks to bring synergy in the maritime domain. View More MARITIME SECURITY STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT & IMPLEMENTATION This course is intended to provide such grounding. By exposing participants to key principles and best practices for developing maritime security strategies, the programme will expand expertise necessary to ensure that African states have the strategic guidance they truly need to address their peculiar mix of maritime threats and challenges. View More BLUE CAREER AND BUSINESS EXPO 2021 ​ The Blue Careers and Business EXPO is intended to create multiple opportunity-exchange platforms for young people to interact with maritime industry leaders and contribute to a robust blue economy in Africa. View More EARLY CAREER OCEAN PROFESSIONALS VIRTUAL TRAINING PROGRAMME ​The ECOP Training Course was held twice this year in March and November 2022 as a 9-day event to equip the youth with first-hand knowledge about Africa’s blue economy and expose participants to various career and business opportunities in the blue industry. View More VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME ​ ​ The Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute (GoGMI) is an NGO dedicated to maritime security research, advocacy and capacity-building across the West African sub-region and beyond. We are currently expanding our reach and impact, with the help of innovative and driven young individuals. View More THE BLUE MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME ​ The Blue Mentorship Programme is an African maritime accelerator intended to encourage youth to engage in sustainable blue economy careers and to offer them support through their business, entrepreneurial or career progression journey. View More CAPACITY-BUILDING Capa RESEARCH MARITIME SECURITY INTERVENTIONS AUDIT This study seeks to contribute to the limited research on the complexity of maritime security interventions in the Gulf of Guinea, with the ultimate intent of illuminating viable pathways for harmonising collective efforts towards enhancing shared goals. View More Rese

  • Idec Africa | Gulf Of Guinea Maritime Institute | Accra

    INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE Strengthening International Collaboration to Combat Terrorism and Transnational Organised Crimes ​ABOUT IDEC The inaugural International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEC) hosted by Ghana’s Armed Forces in Accra built upon the endeavours of Africa’s Armed Forces to enhance combined capabilities to counter the continent’s leading security challenges. This unprecedented event showcased the importance of integrating strategies and solutions across land, sea and air to solve challenges such as extremism, cross-border crime and maritime security in this region. The overarching objective was to improve regional development and security by promoting civil/defence partnership, both regionally and internationally. Through a series of unique platforms, the two-day event aimed to assemble Africa’s Defence Chiefs of Staff and senior officers and executives from and security agencies and global partners and advanced solution providers to improve combined combat operations and regional development initiatives. IDEC 2022 - Day 1 Highlights IDEC 2022 - Day 2 Highlights The Chiefs of Ghana Armed Forces look forward to welcoming you to Accra, Ghana VICE ADMIRAL SETH AMOANA ​ CHIEF OF THE DEFENCE STAFF MAJ GEN THOMAS OPPONG-PEPRAH ​ CHIEF OF THE ARMY STAFF REAR ADMIRAL ISSAH ADAM YAKUBU CHIEF OF THE NAVAL STAFF, GHANA NAVY AVM FRANK HANSON ​ CHIEF OF THE AIR STAFF, GHANA AIR FORCE SUMMARY OF EVENTS AT IDEC VIP Welcome Dinner Opening Ceremony International Conference International Exhibition Cocktail Reception One to One Meetings EVENT IN NUMBERS 8+ Chiefs of Defence Staff ​ 8+ Ministers and Secretaries of Defence 6+ Chiefs of Army ​ ​ 6+ Chiefs of Navy ​ ​ 6+ Chiefs of Air Force ​ ​ 40+ ​ VIP Speakers 500+ ​ High Profile Attendees 60+ ​ Sponsors and Exhibitors 40+ ​ Countries Represented 20,000,000+ Marketing Impressions 20+ ​ Media Partners REASONS TO EXHIBIT & SPONSOR 01 LOCAL PARTNERS Meet and shortlist the best business partner that can represent your organisation in the region 03 THOUGHT LEADERSHIP PRESENTATIONS Establish pre-eminence amongst your peers 05 MARKET TRENDS & OPPORTUNITIES Keep up to date with market trends and identify new business opportunities. 07 USE CASE PRESENTATIONS Demonstrate how you have successfully helped otherdefence and security agencies through your solutions 02 NETWORKING & SOCIAL Use the exhibition floor to demonstrate your latest products and technologies 04 BRAND AWARENESS Multiple opportunities to increase your brand visibility, before during and after the event 06 LEAD GENERATION Increase new business opportunities from highly targeted audience Visit to register now!

  • Membership | Gulf Of Guinea Maritime Institute | Accra

    成為 GoGMI 會員 登入 該研究所的核心業務是在加納和幾內亞灣整個海洋空間的安全、安保和環境領域進行戰略性海事研究、諮詢和宣傳。 Contribute to GoGMI The Institute seeks members who have cutting-edge expertise in any field of maritime affairs to contribute to the Institute’s indigenous research activities and programs. GoGMI members will harness the institute’s high-level convening power and rich expertise to engage in in-depth discussions tailored around the GoG region’s ocean governance challenges to develop critical solutions that address maritime security and safety concerns. Access the Institute’s publications GoGMI membership gets you access to publications from our various activities: IMSWG Reports Gulf Spectrum- Periodic publications of pertinent maritime security issues in the Gulf of Guinea Monday Gulf Review Newsletter Events and Networking The International Maritime Security Working Group (IMSWG), formed by the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute, is the Institute’s flagship forum focused on stimulating dialogue and policy innovation aimed at addressing maritime security and safety concerns in the Gulf of Guinea (GoG) region. The IMSWG forum is notable as a knowledge exchange and research network with a focus on local and regional issues while keeping an eye on the pulse of international perspectives. Membership allows you to attend curated IMSWG forums held monthly, as well as other partner and international events, where you can network, meet IMSWG experts, and gain active understanding of strategic maritime issues affecting the GoG region. STUDENT MEMBERSHIP Read more FELLOW MEMBERSHIP Read more INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP Read more CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP Read more SIGNUP

  • Blog Posts | Gulf Of Guinea Maritime Institute | Accra

    Eyes to Sea: What African States Truly Need By Stephanie Schandorf, Associate Director, Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute January 1o, 2023 To sea, or not to sea? For many African States, that is the question. On a continent bedeviled by a shedload of land-centric concerns, advocating a seaward outlook is almost like screaming at a toddler to focus on their homework in the middle of a circus…a real one. You can hardly blame them for “failing” when the distractions are so difficult to ignore. The continent has a full cardinal compass of insecurities and transnational governance concerns that are impossible to overlook. In northern Africa, the conflict in Ukraine has heightened food insecurity for economies already crippled by the COVID-19 pandemic and prolonged droughts. In the west, an average of five large-scale civil wars and a series of military coups in the past decade have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and stalled socio-economic advancement at all levels. ​ East Africa? It has been described by the Center for Strategic and International Security Studies as “one of the most conflicted and poorly-governed corners of the world”. By March 2022, over half a million lives had been lost as a result of the war and related insecurities in the Tigray region of Ethiopia alone. ​ The central and southern parts of Africa are not left out of the continental chaos either. Conflict in the Central African Republic has led to unprecedented inflationary pressures and food insecurity, while several parts of southern Africa are typified by inequality, xenophobia and racism. ​ The land-based challenges are as permeating as they are complex, so it certainly seems prudent for African States to focus efforts on addressing them. Look a little closer though, and you will find that within the context of Africa, the ocean holds one of the greatest prospects for a win-win. ​ For one, Africa has the largest number of coastal countries, several of which are increasingly reliant on fisheries, not only as the primary source of animal protein, but also as a source of income. According to World Bank estimates, well over 12 million people depend on the sector for their livelihoods - a figure that is anticipated to sky-rocket to nearly 22 million by 2050. Again, despite being an ailing sector, fisheries directly contribute over $24 billion to the African economy annually. ​ That’s just one piece of the continent’s blue economy pie. There are other traditional blue economy sectors such as transportation or shipping, offshore exploration and tourism, as well as emerging sectors such as renewable energy. Together, these sectors are estimated to be worth $405 billion by 2030 - an amount capable of clearing more than 55% of the continent’s 2021 total external public debt value. ​ But it’s not just about the economic prospects. Whether it is oil in Nigeria, mineral resources in DR Congo or land in Zimbabwe, competition for natural resources has been one of the primary drivers of conflicts across the continent. Again, the ocean holds the answer! A well-managed ocean economy could contribute greatly to addressing Africa’s resource conflicts. ​ Consider the fact that the conflict in the Niger-Delta was largely as a result of pollution from oil exploration activities and the damage that this caused to the marine life and fisheries resources, which communities around the creek were so dependent on. Ultimately, the conflict escalated into the deepening situation of piracy and armed robbery at sea across the Gulf of Guinea, which for several years characterised it as the most dangerous region for seafarers. Again, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU) along the coasts of West Africa has the tendency to destabilise fishing communities and result in conflicts. Likewise, it is linked to a broad range of other maritime transnational organised crimes in the region such as illegal trafficking of drugs and arms, each of which have contributed immensely to creating a conflict-prone West Africa. ​ Arguably then, just as poor management of the ocean space has the tendency to destabilise entire regions of the continent across all levels of security (national, economic, food, environmental and ultimately, human), so also effective maritime regulation and enforcement has increased prospects for contributing to sustainable peace and security for Africa. Africa’s 30,500km of coastline opens the continent up to a far more extensive resource wealth than ever envisaged. However, if the continent is ever to benefit from this potential, we need to shift our focus seaward. And we need to do so now. ​ In contrast to the raging, never-ending battle for resources on land, the calm of the ocean beckons a burdened continent into a new era of economic advancement…an era marked by a more sustainable relationship with our ocean planet. Added perk? The climate will thank us for it. The Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute Launches the Blue Mentorship Program. November 4, 2022 New program to support the development of a future maritime workforce and foster Africa’s youth engagement in sustainable blue economy careers, businesses and entrepreneurial actions. On the 2nd of November, 2022, the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute (GoGMI) launched its maiden Blue Mentorship Programme. The programme aims to develop talented young individuals who are passionate about Africa’s maritime industry, and support novel ideas that have the potential to revitalize existing ocean sectors and industrialize emerging ones for the strategic development of national economies. Through a combination of curated platforms, the Blue Mentorship Program will foster a network of young individuals to meet, share and collaborate on different fronts while expanding their skill set and knowledge base in the creation of ocean-based industries and economic activities to drive long-term value to the continent. ​ In a post-COVID era, youth bear great potential to contribute to the: co-creation of international frameworks and guidelines to protect the blue environment; investment in innovation, technologies, and human capital for developing ocean sectors; actions geared towards effective biodiversity and environmental conservation as well as mitigation of the effects of climate change; shaping of national visions for the sustainable blue economy; enhancement of entrepreneurship within the blue economy; and provision of maritime domain awareness solutions to improve monitoring, control, and surveillance of activities in the blue space. To achieve these set targets, the Blue Mentorship Programme will strive to identify blue economy sector opportunities and provide youth with access to maritime industry mentorship and support services to realize their potential. The mentorship programme aims to provide solutions and resources to improve career and business connections and financing for innovations in blue entrepreneurial activities in the Gulf of Guinea region. It will seek to develop collaborative research networks across the sub-region dedicated to enhancing indigenous understanding of Africa’s blue economy sectors. The Blue Mentorship Programme will build on the GoGMI’s track record of providing unique platforms for sharing ideas and researching strategic maritime affairs, and producing solutions that address the current imbalance in the Gulf of Guinea region’s maritime studies, where local opinions and interests are under-represented. ​ In tandem with the launch, the mentorship programme will begin with a training course that will lay the foundation for the broader activities that will be conducted under the programme. The training course will be conducted on a virtual platform over a series of nine (9) online sessions (including interactive sessions), under the topic, ‘’Youth in Africa’s Blue Economy: Developing Sustainable Careers and Businesses’’, to expose the cohort to various career opportunities in Africa’s Blue Economy and guide them through the variegated pathways for developing related sustainable careers. The training will cover four (4) modules from 8th – 18th November 2022. ​ In line with a commitment to contribute to the efforts of the UN Ocean Decade, the Blue Mentorship Programme will support collaborative research that is accessible and contribute to the diversity and inclusion of young people and females in sustainable ocean development. GoGMI invites all corporate, and international development organizations and industry partners who are passionate about innovation, diversity, and inclusion of young minds in the development of Africa’s blue economy to support the Blue mentorship financially as well as with technical expertise. Next Visit the Blue Mentorship Programme page for more information. 5 Essential Traits that Make Youth Crucial to Addressing Ocean Challenges. By Lawrence Dogli, Programs Coordinator, Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute July 19, 2022 As the maritime industry faces pressure to mobilize actions for major structural transformations and common shared solutions in addressing the many threats that the ocean faces, the relevance of engaging a workforce in a new ocean front: one that is more digitized, innovative and diverse than ever before, is increasing. ​ What do African leaders need to know about the youth as they forge a course to build a future-ready maritime workforce that will industrialize new ocean sectors, grow their economies and provide employment opportunities for their citizens? ​ In this blog, I want to share five traits that make the youth crucial to addressing ocean challenges, post-COVID. African leaders that fail to involve young people in seeking solutions that address some of the defining issues including marine pollution, diminishing marine and coastal ecosystems, ocean acidification and illegal and over-fishing, risk the flowering of much needed science-based innovative solutions for ocean prosperity. Young people are data-literate. Data-fuelled ocean industries provide exponential transformations in the management of ocean resources for sustainable economic development. The collection of information such as ocean patterns, sea floors, ocean currents and water temperatures could help us manage the impact of climate change, reduce pollution including plastics, and increase the equitable usage of ocean resources particularly in vulnerable coastal communities. ​ As the maritime industry continues to generate tremendous amount of data, countries with more data-literate people will become key to transforming ocean data into knowledge and actions for innovation and sustainability, and ultimately drive actions to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. ​ This will require efforts by various stakeholders to share data, provide resources including innovative platforms and knowledge tools to build a digital ocean ecosystem. Young people will then play a key role and be responsible for collating and visualizing ocean data in planning for vibrant and productive ocean industries. At the national level, institutions that play various roles in the management and usage of ocean resources should view ocean data as a national asset and garner the momentum to lead initiatives that are needed for studying and understanding ocean data. ​ The most successful ocean economies recognise the importance of analyzing ocean data to unlock the many benefits the ocean provides for it citizens. ​ 2. They’re comfortable adopting the ever-expanding technologies, new ocean sectors and markets. The World Economic Forum report on Future of Jobs projects that in the mid-term of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, job destruction will most likely be offset by job growth in the 'jobs of tomorrow'—the surging demand for workers who can fill blue and green economy jobs, roles at the forefront of the data and AI economy, as well as new roles in ocean engineering, cloud computing and fisheries product development. ​ These emerging professions also reflect the continuing importance of human interactions in the new ocean economy and how these can be effectively merged not only with the increasing demand for blue economy jobs, but also with the emergence of ocean-based technology and IoT sensing as well as novel approaches to offshore energy production, sustainable aquaculture, shipping logistics efficiency and more. ​ While there have been concerns of mass job displacement and competing claims to unique human capabilities by artificial intelligence, a robust and indigenous African leadership will be essential to connecting economic and social systems that complement human capabilities instead of replacing them – in areas like ocean science education and training. ​ In all cases, organizations should institute regulatory guidelines when adopting technologies, keeping in mind that there may be friction between people and culture, especially in coastal communities. ​ 3. They are empowered How can the maritime industry respond to the undersized ‘’voice gap’’ of young people all around the world? That is, a gap between the levels of influence youth can potentially have in addressing oceanic challenges given the current global context, and the opportunities they have to speak up. ​ The high levels of imbalance we’re seeing in terms of inclusivity and equity in a sustainable ocean economy, and the policy and economic implications that flow from it, likely has to do with the size of engagement with the broad constituency of ocean users and supporters, particularly the youth. ​ Today, young people are finding their voices and using available social platforms to share their views and lead ocean actions. They are finding meaning and purpose in the work they do. ​ African leaders should seize this opportunity to engage in a new ocean social contract that delivers meaningful progress and social impact while supporting young people to drive change and develop innovative solutions that solve the many ocean challenges. Tenets of such a contract include; Identification of young people with leadership and innovative skills Continuous investment in skills development and knowledge sharing among youth Respect for young people’s voice Generation of opportunities for young people to access perspectives of other ocean narratives and ways of working ​ 4. They respect and understand the value of “good jobs.” Today’s youth have standards: This in the context of an ocean economy means the urgent need to focus on both social and economic motivation as a crucial component of ocean development. ​ As such, African leaders should aim to ensure that the outcomes of future ocean economies not only focus on monetary values but also support people’s needs and aspirations. If not, the impact of ocean values and the contributions of youth efforts to ocean services may not be fully realized. ​ This situation tends to hurt national economic policies as subjective well-being has become a measure of social and economic performance, now known as economics of happiness. ​ Raising young people’s decision-making and engagement levels leads to higher worker satisfaction. Happier youths are more enthusiastic about their work and more likely to stay at their jobs. African leaders should prioritize developing ocean action plans that link young people’s well-being and experience with the maritime industry priorities and transformational goals. 5. They are resolute to advances in equity and the environment. As we navigate towards future ocean governance, it is essential that African policy makers while defining an inclusive blue economy, cultivate fairness and equity in the workforce. Actions include exposing young people to STEM at an early age; making higher ocean science education more affordable and more equitable; hiring based on skill set rather than degree; and assessing and diversifying professional ocean networks. ​ In terms of changing institutional culture, the maritime industry should consider tapping into broader, more diverse youth networks when recruiting staff. ​ For young people in particular, the idea of equity extends to governance and environmental issues equally. A recent millennial employee study found that more millennials won’t take a job if it doesn’t have a strong corporate social responsibility policy, and would be more loyal to a company that helps them contribute to social and environmental issues. ​ In setting environmental priorities for maritime sustainability, industry should consider adopting “inside-out” approaches, which allows for inputs from young people. This approach is particularly essential in terms of strategies for sustainable maritime businesses as it requires convening those who define the culture of a company — including young people — and discussing what the company exists for and the contribution it wants to make in the world – in the case of maritime, ocean transformations. Download Collective Action Starts with You A World Oceans Day Blog Post By: Stephanie Oserwa Schandorf, 14th June, 2022 This year’s World Oceans Day was a great chance to reflect on the centrality of the ocean to supporting livelihoods. However, the theme for the celebration, Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean, connotes a longer-lasting contemplation of the ocean space beyond the single opportunity World Oceans Day presents. It calls for a progressive understanding of the importance of the deep blue and the harmonisation of efforts across the globe towards ensuring its sustainability. Perhaps a crucial first step towards this desired state is to ask this one question: what comes to mind when you think about the ocean? ​ The answer comes much more quickly to some people than it does to others. Individuals living in coastal communities for instance, have a much broader range of interactions with the ocean; thus, the answers might come more easily to them. If you do not live along the coast, or if you have had very limited opportunities to interact directly with the ocean, it may take a while. However, it is important that as individuals who are highly dependent on the planet, we each attempt to figure out what answers hold true for us. ​ Chances are that we may have varying responses. According to The Human Relationship with our Ocean Planet , a Blue Paper by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, we often view our relationship with the ocean at material, relational or subjective levels. This blog post will focus on two broad categories instead: material and intrinsic levels. ​ Let’s start with the material level. For most people, when they think about the ocean, they think about fish. They are right. The fish that the ocean produces is highly essential to supporting the well-being and livelihoods of billions of people across the globe. As a matter of fact, fisheries resources are often the most critical source of high-quality protein for developing countries and the world’s poorest nations. Without fish, a state of food security would be incredibly hard to attain. It doesn’t just end at fish, though. Seafood generally is a major component of diets across the globe and one of the primary keys to building sustainable food systems. ​ Of course, the ocean’s material benefits extend far beyond seafood. Although the ocean is a large body of water, we seldom think of its importance to freshwater supplies. It’s too salty to do us any good, we often assume. Get this: the ocean’s major role in regulating our planet’s climate is the reason behind rain and storm systems that provide the fresh water that is so fundamental to life on Earth. Again, with fresh water becoming such a limited resource in several regions across the globe, large-scale desalination of ocean water is becoming a very real consideration. ​ The ocean also serves as a great source of renewable energy and minerals. Before you even remotely think, “Who cares?”, consider the fact that our planet is battling with some major effects of climate change, largely as a result of our use of unsustainable energy sources…effects that are bound to affect your own future generations if nothing is done about them. The ocean provides a pathway out of this fate. ​ Furthermore, the most under-explored parts of the ocean hold some of the greatest secrets for medical breakthroughs. Unique organisms and ecosystems found in the ocean depths are beginning to point scientists to solutions for addressing some major terminal diseases and the pharmaceutical industry is fast becoming one of the major beneficiaries of ocean exploration. ​ We also think of the shipping industry when we consider the ocean. We think of its implications for economic growth, for development…for the advancement of societies. We think of the wealth it brings to individuals and businesses. It is harder to quantify the intrinsic value of the ocean; these are often felt rather than experienced in a tangible sense. Even if you are not a coastal dweller, chances are that the ocean often leaves you in a sense of awe and wonder. It gives you an opportunity to reflect, meditate and connect with your deeper senses of freedom and adventure, each of which is important to your general well-being as an individual. We tend to underestimate this value when it is, in fact, one of the greatest reasons to protect the ocean. It has served as a source of inspiration to many, inciting creativity, rejuvenating mental health and giving millions of individuals a sense of inner-peace. There’s no way we can put a price on these. ​ It is clear then that we depend on the ocean for our very survival. However, the ocean is facing a host of threats that have dire implications for the services it provides us as humans. It is easy for us to ignore all the raving and ranting about the need to safeguard the oceans…easy for us to look the other way, simply because it feels much better to us to pretend there is no problem. There is; and it is not going away until we take some giant steps. Focus on the broad range of interactions you have with the ocean…on the broad range of interactions all humans have with the ocean. Let that give you the momentum you need to face the problem and take some decisive action. Download Download AN OCEAN FOR THE YOUTH A Holistic Approach to Engaging the Youth in the Maritime Sector By: Stephanie Oserwa Schandorf, 22nd March, 2022 ​ As African youth, we have, for ourselves, a continent that really is ours to run. Africa has the highest percentage of youth in its population than any other continent, and that makes us the continent with the world’s youngest population. At the same time, there’s this vast Blue Economy potential that could well be the key to Africa’s economic advancement. This is in such stark contrast to the fact that Africa has some of the highest unemployment rates in the world. Now let’s take a moment to shift to a global perspective of the problem. The recently concluded United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26) saw States come together to try to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Here’s one thing that was clear: there was a heightened recognition not only of the centrality of the ocean to regulating global climate, but also of the adverse implications of climate change on the ocean and the ocean economy. Throughout the conference, this awareness had to be juxtaposed with the sovereign and competing interests of States and the element of political will – or more specifically, the lack of it. This has been the consistent challenge faced by debates centered on climate change and the need to protect the ocean. Ultimately, it has been a vicious cycle of recognizing the problems; but not having enough political momentum to take concrete actions towards addressing them. This should be of great concern to African States because climate change and its adverse implications for marine life and the blue economy is likely to hit vulnerable African States and coastal communities hardest. ​ So what really is the solution to this conundrum? And we’re not simply talking about positioning African States to influence outcomes at major global conventions like the COP. How can we align African State interests and political will with the ultimate goal of sustainable oceans for a vibrant Blue Economy? ​ We’ll need to unpack this with a few more questions. What is root cause of this disconnect between what is considered as being in the interest of African States and the need to safeguard the ocean? It is safe to say that one of the principal root causes is sea blindness. So now, how can this persistent sea blindness be addressed? ​ The best way to address sea blindness is simply to end it. If you are like me, then it’s safe to say that we were raised as a generation of individuals that were oblivious to the ocean…its importance and the career paths it holds. Now that we recognize this fact, we can begin to push for a reorientation of systems at the national level to raise future generations differently. Ending sea blindness requires deliberate steps at the national level to: Cultivate in our young ones a love and passion for the ocean. There are really some simple ways to achieve this. For instance, elements of ocean literacy can be adapted into school curricula, even it means that they end up being integrated as co-curricular activities. Expose the youth to blue career opportunities. It is really important to let youth know the range of possibilities that they can successfully explore and exploit within the maritime sector. ​ Groom them with the skill-sets needed to enter the maritime labour market. Of course, this definitely means taking into consideration technological advancements in the maritime sector and equipping youth with requisite technical know-how. I think though that what is crucial in all of this is the need to look beyond mainstream biases. Often, we think of only two sides of the spectrum when it comes to maritime career paths – we may think of seafarers on one side of the spectrum and ocean scientists like marine biologists on the other. But we need to break away from this limited focus to see how existing career paths can lead back to the ocean. Public relations specialists and communicators, journalists, economists, psychologists, accountants…each of these professions have unique roles they can play towards ensuring a vibrant and sustainable Blue Economy. As an example, when we shift the maritime security narrative to the well-being of seafarers, we become increasingly aware of the role of psychologists, for instance, in studying the impact of piratical threats to the mental health and wellbeing of seafarers. ​ Here's the central message: individuals in various professions who develop a passion for the ocean later on can always find a way of contributing meaningfully to the Blue Economy without having to shelve away their existing skills in order to acquire a completely different set of skills, even if their main field of work is not within typical Blue Economy sectors. The Blue Economy encompasses so many more professions than we give it credit for. If my passion is to become a journalist or an economist – a politician, maybe – I can still find a way to merge this beautifully with the advancement of the Blue Economy and build my skill-set around that, developing a unique niche in my field of work. The possibilities are endless. ​ Of course, industry practitioners also need a shift in perspective to truly appreciate the wealth of youth they have at their disposal. They need to understand the cross-linkages between the maritime sector and other disciplines to absorb beyond the limited range of youth that have acquired “conventional” maritime skill sets. Organisations dedicated to safeguarding the ocean must equally begin to think outside the box and recognise the truly interdisciplinary nature of viable efforts aimed at safeguarding the ocean space. As a matter of fact, the fluidity and interconnectedness of the 5 separate oceans is the perfect metaphor for these cross-linkages between disciplines in addressing ocean problems. ​ Now that we’ve looked at pathways to ending sea blindness, let’s take a step back. We get that Africa has a rather youthful population…but what’s so special about the youth? Why are they so essential to driving change and building a thriving blue economy for Africa? ​ Well, it’s great that I’m driving towards a major point here with a question because here’s something interesting: history has really pointed to the fact that the most remarkable breakthroughs are driven by asking the right questions. Think about Isaac Newton, who asked himself: “What causes objects to stop when they are already in motion?”. Or, think of Einstein who asked himself: “If the speed of light is constant and it travels through space and time, what does that mean for space and time?”. In either case, the breakthroughs from asking these questions laid the foundation for several global advancements today. ​ According to renowned neurologist, Susan Greenfield, creativity starts with questioning dogma. Enough said then….and on to the next question. Take a moment to think back. At what point in our lives are we best at asking questions? When we are young! So, it really isn’t just mundane rhetoric to say that youth are more likely to generate useful dialogue by asking the right questions. Now this doesn’t discredit the wealth of experience and insights that older generations can bring to the maritime sector. It only highlights the fact that youth have a more unique role to play in driving innovative solutions to the ocean’s challenges. This is definitely a grey area that African youth need to exploit. Now, let’s get back to what I mentioned earlier about why it’s so important to end sea blindness. Let’s imagine a future COP (or any crucial conference centered on ocean governance and maritime security) where African States have taken concrete steps to build a love and passion for the ocean in that generation, to encourage individuals to explore ocean careers, and so on and so forth. What’s going to happen? We’ll likely have a team of delegates attending the conference who truly understand how crucial the ocean is to the well-being of their citizens…delegates who are able to press for outcomes that would ultimately favour the development of a thriving and sustainable Blue Economy. ​ We really have nothing to lose. ​ Let’s conclude on this note. Climate change and its impact on the ocean and the ocean economy is certainly an issue that needs to be addressed urgently, as are all other ocean governance and maritime security concerns such as piracy and IUU; but they are also issues that are likely to remain on the global agenda for decades to come. Grooming a large number of African youth to love the ocean and pursue careers centered around safeguarding it may not have noticeable effects now. It does imply, however, that generations to come will be more sensitised about the ocean, the threats it faces and how to effectively address them. It also means that these generations will be more willing to take collective action towards addressing oceanic threats. Let’s not forget the other side of the coin. African States will emerge with more vibrant Blue Economies championed by its youthful population because we would have exposed them to the economic potential of Africa’s maritime sectors. Illustrations by Storyset IWD 2022 – GENDER EQUALITY TODAY FOR A SUSTAINABLE TOMORROW Reflections on Ocean Sustainability By: Stephanie Oserwa Schandorf, 8th March, 2022 International Women’s Day presents a unique opportunity to reflect on the invaluable role women play in societies across the globe – and to recognise the major challenges and inhibitions they face. The theme this year rests on the intersection between a burgeoning recognition of the need to ensure a sustainable planet for generations to come, and the immutable power women have to drive innovation and change towards this end. ​ Perhaps this intersection is even more prominent in the area of ocean sustainability, where a convoluted mix of threats shroud a myriad of opportunities. The ocean space presents a peculiar conundrum that can never fully be addressed without the inclusion of all segments of society – especially the often marginalised and vulnerable groups. As a matter of fact, case studies from around the world have corroborated the need to include female leadership in the management of coastal and marine ecosystems for more beneficial outcomes. ​ From the protection of the marine environment in general, to advancing sustainable fisheries in particular, investments in women often have rippling effects across entire communities. In 2017, UN Women shared a vivid portrayal of this posit – the story of a 68-year-old woman who defied all odds by becoming the first fisherwoman in her community in Thiaroue-sur-Mer, Senegal. Yayi Bayam Diouf went on to empower several other women within her community to engage in sustainable fishing and aquaculture as a means of safeguarding their livelihoods. ​ Women’s active participation in marine environmental sustainability could also wield much deeper undertones than ever envisaged. For instance, research has begun to show that countries that have larger numbers female parliamentarians are more likely to ratify international environmental agreements . Again, women offer unique perspectives for addressing marine environmental concerns that could otherwise be missed. ​ In spite of these crucial contributions of women, a segmentation of roles within several blue economy sectors has systematically positioned them to earn much less remuneration than their male counterparts. As a matter of fact, women are approximately 90% more involved in low-paid tasks and are usually unable to engage in “higher-value” work based on societal segregations, despite constituting half of all seafood workers across the globe. What’s more, they are often the most adversely affected by major oceanic challenges, from the climate crisis to plastic pollution and illegal fishing. ​ International Women’s Day should represent an awakening of individuals across the globe that the ocean needs women as much as women need the ocean. Productive dialogues centered on the active integration of women into leadership roles to address complex sustainability challenges such as those facing the ocean are a crucial first step driving impactful change. We must #breakthebias…for the ocean. Download Download

  • Blue Mentorship Programme | Gulf Of Guinea Maritime Institute | Accra

    THE BLUE MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME BACKGROUND The Role of Youth in Developing Africa’s Blue Economy “Blue” resources linked to Africa’s extensive aquatic bodies are core to the continent’s economic growth and will continue to be a crucial driver for strategic development of the national economies. The commitment to develop Africa’s blue economy is demonstrated in the various national and regional strategy documents including: Africa's Blue Economy: A policy handbook; Africa Blue Economy Strategy and its Implementation Plan (2021 – 2025); and various country-level blue economy strategies. The next generation of young maritime leaders will play an important role in driving innovation and change as the continent strives for socio-economic advancement through a vibrant blue economy. To be able to truly transform Africa’s ocean economy, we need a future workforce that is more digitized, innovative and diverse, and that requires actively employing and leveraging on the unique skills of Africa’s youth today. The revitalization of existing ocean sectors and the industrialization of emerging ones have highlighted the great need for cooperation towards technology and innovation transition. In a post-COVID era, youth bear great potential to contribute to the: co-creation of international frameworks and guidelines to protect the blue environment; investment in innovation, technologies and human capital for developing ocean sectors; actions geared towards effective biodiversity and environmental conservation as well as mitigation of the effects of climate change; shaping of national visions for sustainable blue economy; enhancement of entrepreneurship within the blue economy; and provision of maritime domain awareness solutions to improve monitoring, control and surveillance of activities in the blue space. Creating a viable platform for youth to engage in Africa’s blue economy trajectory has been at the heart of the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute’s Blue Mentorship Program. GoGMI’s Youth Engagement in Africa’s Blue Economy Trajectory In November 2021, the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute (GoGMI) held its flagship Blue Career and Business Expo (BCBE) as a response to concerns raised at a stakeholder forum organized by the Institute in 2020 to deliberate on the topic, ‘Gender mainstreaming in Ghana’s maritime sector’. At this forum, participants highlighted that most Ghanaian youth have limited knowledge and appreciation of the ocean’s significance to the national economy, and fail to recognise the need to be part of providing the needed solutions to promote its sustainable development. The under-representation of females in the maritime sector, despite efforts put in place to put them at par with their male counterparts in the sector, was also echoed. Participants further indicated the need to increase young people’s knowledge on the opportunities available to them in the maritime sector, in terms of career development. BCBE thus created multi-opportunity exchange platforms for young people to learn from maritime industry leaders across the country and to gain an appreciation of the range of opportunities within Ghana’s blue economy sectors. The Expo was attended by over 200 individuals, including high profile personalities, maritime industry practitioners, students and other relevant stakeholders. The BCBE was not meant to be a single event, but rather, the first in a series of events aimed at actively engaging African youth in the path towards building a resilient blue economy for the continent. As intended, the BCBE was used to initiate a Mentorship Programme for which several of the participating youth showed interest. This year, GoGMI intends to go a step further by selecting thirty young individuals to be engaged in its Blue Mentorship Programme – a full mentorship and grooming experience intended to prime them for blue success. ABOUT THE PROGRAMME The Blue Mentorship Programme is an African maritime accelerator intended to encourage youth to engage in sustainable blue economy careers and to offer them support through their business, entrepreneurial or career progression journey. The entire programme is intended to have the following impacts: Serve as an incubation hub for blue economy start-ups Provide learning and support for youth through their career, entrepreneurial or business journey Facilitate youth engagement with corporate and industry partners who are passionate about innovation, diversity and inclusion of young minds in the development of Africa’s blue economy Provide youth with access to maritime industry mentorship, support services, educational and networking events, while keeping them updated on the latest new, developments and engagements in Africa’s blue economy community Beyond mentorship, the programme aims to achieve this by offering a wide range of curated platforms for young people who have an interest in maritime careers or businesses to meet, share and collaborate on different fronts while expanding their skill-set and knowledge base Blue Mentorship Programme Thematic Areas: Maritime Safety & Security Renewable & Non-renewable energy Fisheries & Aquaculture Shipping & Maritime Trade Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Maritime Tourism Academia & Research Ocean Govenrance THE BIGGER PICTURE: A MARITIME BUSINESS INCUBATOR Beyond the Blue Mentorship Programme, GoGMI aims to expand its engagement with youth to develop a Maritime Business Incubator (MBI) which will, through a combination of progammes, partner with global maritime industry and practitioners to provide solutions and resources to improve career and business connections and financing for innovations in blue start-ups and entrepreneurial activities in the Gulf of Guinea region. The Incubator will achieve this by offering a wide range of curated platforms for young people, entrepreneurs and business men and women who have an interest in a maritime career or business to meet, share and collaborate on different projects and activities while developing skills and knowledge using extensive resource hubs and directories. Through the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute and partners network, individuals who are interested in starting a blue business or have plans to build their career in any blue economy sector can learn and find support throughout the lifespan of their business, career and entrepreneurial journey. The MBI will also collaborate with academia to develop collaborative research networks across the sub region dedicated to enhancing indigenous understanding of Africa’s blue economy sectors and publish the ideas that address how to best identify, nurture, and develop careers and businesses in a publicly accessible collection. Private sector will be involved in the Incubator’s programmes to help bring about an innovative spirit of change for young entrepreneurs and the Gulf of Guinea region blue economy business community. THEMES OF THE INCUBATOR Entrepreneurship Mentorship Maritime Innovation Networking and Knowledge-Sharing Blue Human Capital Innovation The Incubator’s networking events will bring together young minds who have interests in different blue economy careers and businesses on common platforms including conferences, boardrooms, workshops, policy-making councils, roundtables, fireside chats, etc. These networks will then connect young minds with lifelong relationships, pairing them with corporate and industry members and providing them the opportunity to have discourses on careers and businesses to better analyse and find solutions to challenging issues these young people face. The MBI will also feature a Maritime Data Hub which will serve as a one-stop data repository for the development and test-bedding of new digital applications and services for the maritime industry, and a community journal which will feature relevant community blog posts and articles aimed at enhancing knowledge and information sharing GoGMI is reaching out to all maritime stakeholders and businesses with interest in building a robust blue economy for Africa to support the Program via three different pathways: Expertise Partnership Expertise partners to the program contribute by granting requisite advice and technical knowledge to the GoGMI team in the course of the program. More importantly, expertise partners will provide a pool of skilled and highly accomplished individuals across the continent’s blue economy sectors who will serve as mentors. Click here to support us TODAY! Click here to support us TODAY! Financial Partnership Financial partners will contribute by: • Directly funding specific activities or elements of the programme e.g., data services, virtual platform services, etc. • Providing a lump sum in support of the entire programme as detailed in the concept note attached. • Making recurrent donations to ensure continuity of activities under the programme. Click here to support us TODAY! Click here to support us TODAY! Media Partnership Media partners will contribute to the program by publicizing the program’s activities such as the launch, Blue Success Speaker Series (BLUESSS), the Blue Economy Innovation Challenge, etc Click here to support us TODAY! Click here to support us TODAY! You are welcome to apply for the Blue Mentorship Programme today! ​ Are you - or is someone you know - a young person aged 18-30 that is passionate about innovation, diversity and inclusion in the development of Africa’s blue economy or looking for support through their business, entrepreneurial or career progression journey? Why not apply to join the Blue Mentorship Programme? Participants of Blue Mentorship Programme have the opportunity to: Contribute to articles on the mentorship programme webpage; Take part in our mentorship events; Learn about Africa’s maritime and blue economy affairs from Gulf of Guinea experts; Meet other young people from Africa who are interested in Africa’s blue economy development; Get your innovative ideas heard by key people in African governments and international organizations; Develop your knowledge, career and business development skills. Selection Guidelines and Eligibility Applications are open for undergraduate students, graduate students, students in higher-level vocational training and young industry professionals. ​ Note: Under-represented or marginalized groups, including females and young people in coastal communities are especially encouraged to apply. ​ Applicants must be/have: Aged between 18 and 30 years old and currently living in an African country; Good working knowledge of English, French or Portuguese; Passionate, engaged and active in their local community. APPLICATIONS HAVE CLOSED!!! Deadline: Applications should be sent no later than 5th September, 2022. Applicants will be notified about their application outcome within a week of the application closing date. Why You Should Apply Rare opportunity to network with maritime industry leaders across the African region and to gain deeper understanding of the range of opportunities within the region’s blue economy sectors Opportunity to hear first-hand accounts from successful blue economy entrepreneurs and ocean innovators to guide individual’s blue career and entrepreneurship pursuits Immense prospects to build on lessons learned to generate and expand on sustainable blue economy ideas, and receive business support through a year-long Maritime Business Incubator Download Concept Note for detailed information here

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